The 4+More Study Group will meet Tuesday, November 13th 1-3 at the Guild House.

We plan to work on learning how to do the Maori edge. Bring your show and tell.

Good Ideas from 4+More Weaving Study Group

Some of the tips shared at the 4+More Weaving Study Group in October:

  1. FOR A KNITTED BINDING: Measure the width of the binding you want.
    1. CO enough stitches to knit a long band of that width.
    2. Row 1: K1, P1, (K ½ width – 2 stitches), P1, (K ½ width – 2 stitches), P1, K1.
    3. Row 2: P1, K1, (P to midpoint), K1, (P until 2 stitches remain), K1, P1.
    4. Repeat these 2 rows until you have the desired length.
    5. [Thanks, Mary Thomas. Clifton sent around another pattern for knitted bias binding. Call her if you missed it.]
  2. EASY-TO-TURN HEMS ON HANDWOVEN: Insert as weft a slightly larger and slippery yarn at the turn lines for your hem, about d inch from end and about ½ inch from that first inserted weft. After wet finishing and pressing, pull the turning weft, closest to the end of the piece. Fold up the first turn of your hem, press and secure with pins. Pull the second turning weft. Fold up the hem, press and machine or hand sew the hem into place. [Thanks, Cheryl Reed.]
  3. WEAVING SPACE FOR FRINGE BETWEEN PROJECTS ON YOUR WARP. Weave scrap yarn at end of first project, enough to secure your woven piece, about 1 inch. Next zigzag that same scrap yarn up through your warp, changing the shed each time you change the direction of your shuttle. Don’t beat between picks. After you have zigzag the length of 2 fringes, 1 for the first project and enough for the second, secure the start of the second piece. Weave that scrap yarn, now beating as usual between each pick, for about 1 inch. Then weave your second project. [Thanks, Clifton Door.]
  4. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR WARP COUNT WITH A COUNTER ON YOUR FINGER. They go by many names. Use a small hand-held counter clicker on your finger to keep track of your warp threads on your warping board or warping reel. [Thanks, Sharon Ofsthun.]
  • Here are the instructions for a Non Roll knit Edge. (left edge of knitting with right side facing you)
    • Knit to within 4 stitches of edge of sweater front/afghan edge etc.
    • Knit 2 together, knit 3, increase 1 stitch in last stitch knitted.
    • Turn and do one row plain
    • Continue the process at the end of every other row.