April and May are busy months! Study groups are humming along. I was at the Sticks and Hooks meeting the other day and it was almost standing room only!

Meanwhile, at the Board meeting on Saturday, the board approved the motion to contract with Heather Norberg from A+ Accounting Services to be the DFA bookkeeper. We will begin transitioning the bookkeeping piece of the treasurer’s position in May.  

Heather works from home and will be able to meet with our treasurer at the studio on a regular basis. This makes the treasurer’s job much easier and separates responsibilities for safer financial management. She charges $75/hour and bills in quarter hour increments. She estimates that once the transition is completed, she will be billing about 2 hours per month.

The Board also passed the motion to add some language to the Membership portion of the policies. The new policy states: “Any new or returning member who joins Desert Fiber Arts after March 31st and pays the necessary dues shall not be required to renew their membership on June 1st of that year.” 

Also approved was a motion to upgrade the Constant Contact services in order to utilize the electronic balloting that is available.  It’s a slight increase in cost and worth the ability to have a fully confidential voting procedure.

The Board approved the budget to bring to the membership for a vote in May. Keep your eyes open for an electronic ballot, which will also include the slate of officers for the next fiscal year.

Don’t forget, the front room will be painted on Saturday, April 20th. A few of us will be prepping the room on Friday the 19th.  After the painting, we will put the room back together.

Fifty years ago, a few women met to talk about weaving. They could not have imagined that somewhere in the future, the organization they founded would be communicating by email and text, learning online or using Zoom for meetings. Wow!  Our fiber arts world has gotten so much larger as a result. 

The transitions that have occurred within DFA the last few years have been a little mind-boggling. But at its core, DFA is still about relationships, sharing and teaching. And laughter. Let’s not forget that!

What will DFA look like fifty years from now? 

